Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Out come the jellies

A couple weeks ago, Chloe and I went kayaking at Gantheaume Point. It happened to be a record-setting day for the jellyfish: there were an abnormally high amount of them both in the water and washed up on shore. Have you ever smelled thousands of rotting jellyfish? It's not nice.
The jellies even made the news (though it doesn't take much to make the news up here in Western Australia!).

Lovely! Dead jellyfish on the beach!

We were still excited to kayak.

You can see the incredible amount of jellyfish in the water around our kayak:

I was trying to pick them up with the paddle... but they were a bit slippery.

Looking out over Gantheaume Point:

It was a lovely morning, but I don't think I'll be doing any swimming on Cable Beach any time soon! Now that we're moving into the wet  season (remember, there are only two seasons up here, the wet and the dry), all sorts of creatures are coming out: the crocs, the jellyfish, the mozzies, the flies (they were always here though), the midges (sandflies), the frogs, and other assorted little (and big!) things.