Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bonjour from French Polynesia!

I arrived Papeete this morning and took a ferry to the beautiful island of Moorea. It is a picturesque place with friendly locals, clear blue lagoon water, and plenty activities to keep a person occupied (snorkeling, scuba, parasailing, etc). I'm headed to the beach to recuperate from the long journey. A toute a l'heure!!


  1. whoop whoop!! im glad you made it there safely, sister! i love you and have been thinkin about you...

  2. Glad to hear from you, chicky! Stay safe and keep us updated. :)

  3. How exciting! Katherine & I were talking about how awesome your travels will be...can't wait to hear more! You just missed the cold front. Enjoy some beach for me. :)

  4. Hey there Mary Longhorn. Your boys won the other day, so you have eternal bragging rights. Not that you're a big football fan or anything, or maybe you are. But I just figured I'd kep you abreast of the goings on here state side. Today is my first day to read up on you and I'm excited to see what I find in the days, months, (years?????) ack! to come. LIve it up girl!

  5. Boring blog so far. No pictures ??
